Couscous Herb Cakes with Dried Figs, Prosciutto and Cream Cheese with Chives
A delicious appetizer with sweet and savory flavors to start your meal or get together on a right note.
  1. Pour salted boiling water over couscous and cover the dish. Let sit for about 5 minutes or until the couscous has absorbed all the water. Fluff it with forks and add the rest of the herbs and spices (thyme, chives, parsley and pepper). You can of course add as many herbs as you like.
  2. Beat the egg and add a heaping table spoon of cream cheese. Whisk well and mix into the couscous. Add grated cheese if you like, but you can also completely omit it. Mix well until you get a mixture that you can form into little cakes.
  3. Use your hands and a measuring cup (or a regular small cup or cookie cutter) to form small couscous cakes. Fry them on a little bit of olive oil on medium heat, until slightly brown on both sides – each side should take about 5 minutes – then transfer them to a paper towel and let cool a little.
  4. In the meantime, mix four heaping tablespoons of cream cheese with some salt and a lot of dried chopped chives. Mix well and transfer to a piping bag.
  5. Once the cakes have cooled, top them with some cream cheese, half a dried fig and a slice of prosciutto or smoked ham. Add some fresh chives for decoration and serve immediately.