Jabočni zavitek je ena tistih sladic, za katere lahko rečemo, da je v Sloveniji kar klasika. Prepričana sem, da ga je moč najti na meniju skoraj vsake restavracije ali gostišča. Popularen je tudi v nekaterih sosednjih državah. Tokrat sem se prvič lotila peke te klasične sladice in že kar prvič sem se odločila, da grem na vse ali nič in sem sama pripravila tudi vlečeno testo. To sem storila predvsem zato, ker pri nas še ni mogoče dobiti pirinega listnatega testa (ali pa ga le jaz še nisem našla). Priznam, moje »veščine« izdelave vlečenega testa še niso ravno izpiljene, ampak sem zadovoljna z rezultatom. Za prvič.
Jabolka, ki sem jih uporabila v zavitku, so naša domača, z domačega vrta, in so zato še posebej okusna in sočna. Tako sočna, da sem jih morala pošteno ožeti, preden sem jih uporabila za nadev. In rezultat? Izredno okusen nadev in poln kozarec svežega jabolčnega soka, ki se je odlično podal k sveže pečenemu zavitku.
Za testo:
250 g gladke pirine moke
1 jajce
Ščepec himalajske soli
1,5 JŽ olivnega olja
Sok polovice limone
1 dl tople vode
1 kg olupljenih in narezanih jabolk
1 JŽ rjavega sladkorja
1 ČŽ ruma
½ ČŽ cimeta
1 JŽ pirinih drobtin
50 g rozin (neobvezno)
1 JŽ ruma (neobvezno)
1 JŽ stopljenega masla
2 JŽ kisle smetane
- Vse sestavine za testo dajte v multipraktik in mešajte dokler se sestavine ne sprimejo v kepo testa. Pomokajte pult in testo gnetite še z rokami, dokler ne postane povsem gladko in elastično. Po potrebi dodajte še malo vode ali moke.
- Testo oblikujte v kepo in ga tesno ovijte v folijo, da do njega ne more priti nič zraka. Pustite počivati 1 uro na sobni temperaturi.
- Medtem pripravite nadev. Olupite, razkoščičite in naribajte jabolka. Naribana jabolka močno ožemite, dodajte rjavi sladkor, rum, cimet in pirine drobtine in dobro premešajte.
- Pečico segrejte na 180 stopinj Celzija.
- Po 1 uri testo razdelite na 4 enake dele. Mizo pokrijte s starim prtom in dobro pomokajte. Na prtu čim tanjše razvaljajte testo, nato pa ga še z rokami (s prsti obrnjenimi navzgor) od sredine razvlecite navzven dokler ni tako tanko, da skoraj vidite skozenj.
- Na dve tretjini testa razporedite jabolčni nadev in po želji še rozine, ki ste jih predhodno namočili v rumu. Zvijte testo tako, da začete na strani, na kateri je nadev. Zavitek položite na pekač, ki ste ga predhodno obložili s peki papirjem in zavitek premažite z mešanico stopljenega masla in kisle smetane.
- Ponovite s preostalimi 3 kosi testa.
- Pecite 1 uro, pri čemer po 30 minutah zavitek pokrijte s peki papirjem, da se vam ne zažge.
- Ko zavitek vzamete iz pečice, ga pokrijte s kuhinjsko krpo in pustite, da se nekoliko ohladi, nato pa postrezite.
Thank you for a lovely recipe. My whole family enjoyed it. It was my first strudel and my first phyllo dough, and I’m very pleased with how it turned out. It was very simple to roll out and it wasn’t breaking at all. I used wholemeal spelt flour and wondered if it would make a difference, but everything was fine. I needed less water in the dough, and next time will be adding just a touch of some powdered sweetener in there, like a tsp of powdered xylitol or something. And I’ll put more apples next time definitely. I put greek yogurt instead of sour cream for the coating, because that’s what I had on hand, but I don’t know what the coating is for? Does it make the top more crunchy? Also, can the strudel be baked for less time? It seems quite long, 1h; to me it looked done after 40 mins. I can’t wait to make it again, it was gone in just a few hrs! Also, I think you may have made a typo: I think we’re supposed to cover 2/3 of the dough with apples, not 1/3, right? (judging on your pic, too, as well as logic:) )Anyways, I’ve been enjoying browsing through your blog, and will definitely be making some other recipes as well. Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much for the kind words! and that you for noticing the typo – you are correct, we should cover 2/3 of the pastry – I edited the recipe accordingly 😀 Yes, I think xylitol would work great in the dough and there is never too much apples in my opinion! As per the baking time, I’m sure 40 minutes should be enough, I simply followed my mothers adivce on the baking and she likes to stay “on the safe side” and bake a little longer rather than not long enough 🙂 the coating is meant to make the top more crunchy and slightly more nicely browned 😉
what do you mean by: 1dl warm water?
It’s 100 mililiters or 0,422675 in US cups. I hope this helps and sorry for the late reply!
Just made your strudel. Turned out fantastic. Thankyou. Nice blog site. I just found you
Thank you, I am very glad you like it!
Oh, you’re welcome. I meant every word. And I’m glad I could help!
I’m just writing to say that I made it again already, this time mixing together apples and thawed sour cherries, and it was even better than 1st time. I hardly even got to eat a single peace! My dad keeps asking me to make it again! 🙂
A bit of powdered xylitol worked nicely in the dough. And I made it more “aromatic” by adding some powdered ginger, cloves and nutmeg, and some vanilla extract. It worked out lovely.
Oh, I meant that I added the spices into the filling, not the dough! 🙂
Sounds delicious, real winter-y spices! 🙂 I’ll sure be giving it a try next time I make it!
What is a ‘dl’????
Hi Joanna! It’s a deciliter, a metric unit of capacity, equal to one tenth of a litre 🙂