We all have them – our favorite go – to warm drinks to keep us warm during colder winter days. Those smooth delicious liquids that make sure we feel warm on the inside just like a warm blanket makes us warm on the outside. Those little treats that get us through short foggy or snowy days. Here is a selection of my favorites these year.
#1 Salep
Salep is a beverage that was mostly popular in the lands of the Ottoman Empire (hence the Turkish coffee cezve in the background of the photo) made from a flour made from the tubers of the orchid genus Orchis. It has many health benefits, for example it helps relieve chest congestion and prevents bronchitis. It empowers the heart, increases energy levels and boost sexual desire. Also, it is believed to ease constipation. At the same time, it is really delicious.
To make a cup of salep, you need:
1 cup milk
2,5 g salep powder
2 tsp Xylitol (or just regular sugar)
cinnamon for sprinkling
Warm up almost all the milk until in boils and mix the salep powder in a tablespoon of milk. Add it to boiling milk and cook at medium heat for 5 – 10 minutes. Add sweetener to taste and serve with some cinnamon.
(a special thanks goes to my boyfriend for introducing me to this delicious treat <3 )
#2 Protein Hot Mocha
I have to admit I’ve never been much of a coffee lover. But this summer, I grew to enjoy a good cup of coffee (with lots of milk for now and a teaspoon of Sukrin or Xylitol). I never even knew something like a protein coffee existed, so I was super excited when I got delivered a package of this protein hot mocha. I still can’t believe how delicious it is! It has 10% instant coffee in it, a calorie free sweetener and a hint of chocolate. And of course a high protein content. This way you can easily make it a nutricious breakfast with something on the side or a nice snack replacement.
(a special thanks goes to MyProtein for providing me with this delicious drink)
#3 Homemade Sugar Free Cocoa {which also makes a great gift}
A few days ago, I came across a photo of a really cute glass of hot cocoa mix on Instagram (where else!). Of course I had to follow the link right away and make it myself. It made a really lovely gift with the tag design also offered on that page.
To make your own hot cocoa mix you will need:
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup dark chocolate drops
1/2 – 1 cup coconut or brown sugar
pinch of salt
Simply mix all ingredients together (add the amount of sweetener you desire) and store in a glass or decorate with a tag and give it away as a present. To serve, heat a cup of milk and add 2 – 3 tbsp of cocoa mix. Stir well until the chocolate melts.
(a special thanks goes to Wifemamafoodie for posting this recipe and sharing the gift print with all of us)
#4 Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows
Ah, hot chocolate! Such a classic winter warm drink. And not just for kids! There are probably as many “best” hot chocolate flavors and textures as there are people in the world, but I must say my favorite definitely is the thick, almost pudding like hot chocolate. Yum! And hot chocolate just isn’t complete without a handful of mini marshmallows. While the big marshmallows can be bought almost anywhere in Slovenia now, the tiny ones are pretty hard if not impossible to get. So I was super excited to have received these cut pink and white ones as a Christmas present. They are from Whittard.
(a special thanks goes to my mom for giving me these cute little marshmallows as a Christmas present)
How about you – what is your favorite warm winter drink and how do you prepare it?
Kje pa kupiš salepovo moko? Meni je bil v Turčiji salep najljubša pijača, sem ga pila non-stop. Ampak pri nas pa še nisem zasledila salepa.
Joj to te pa moram razočarat, da je tudi jaz pri nas ne dobim, ampak jo prinesem ali pa mi jo prinesejo iz Makedonije.. 🙂